• The idea for a new kind of sauna ladle - the Oravakauha - was born, where else but on the sauna bench, out of the desire and need to enjoy gentle, humid, and lingering löyly (steam), known as Orava löyly.

  • The first prototype was created in the fall of 2022 with the help of a neighbor who is a sheet metal worker, using a regular sauna ladle from a local market. Refining the idea and exploring different options has required an enormous amount of test saunas and sweat (fortunately, no blood or tears), but thanks to these drops of sweat, we are proud to present to you the Oravakauha! A ladle that takes your sauna experience to new dimensions, transforming even dry and harsh small apartment saunas into pleasant, gentle, and humid löyly oases.

  • The Oravakauha has already received a lot of praise and positive accolades from test panels, but since nothing is ever perfect, we believe in continuous improvement and gladly welcome all feedback and ideas for further development. We're also open to new Oravakauha shape ideas - would you like to see a ball-shaped Oravakauha? Perhaps a heart-shaped one? The sky and your imagination are the only limits!

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For gentler löyly (steam), backed by over 100 years of combined sauna experience,

Saunaorava Matias (2018), Jesper (2013), Juha (1980), and Janne (1976)